Sunday Snippet #32

Posted August 3, 2013 by Willa Blair in Uncategorized / 12 Comments


Sunday Snippets are six- or eight-sentence glimpses into my best-selling, award-winning Scottish romance books.  If you enjoy Scottish romance, keep reading, because I love sharing mine.  Follow along week to week and skim back through my blog to read previous snippets. 

FinalHighlandSeer_w7776 HIGHLAND SEER is out on Amazon Kindle!  

And to celebrate,

HIGHLAND HEALER is on sale for a limited time,

so don’t miss it!   

Here’s another snippet from HIGHLAND SEER.  Enjoy!

“My grandfather started with a small still, making just enough for the clan.” Ellie let her mount walk up the hill. Donal kept pace with her, listening without comment, enjoying the sound of her voice. “But word got out. In my father’s time, demand grew such that he built this place and we expanded our production.” Ellie pursed her lips and glanced at Donal, then returned her gaze to the building. “’Tis the best thing left to us, yet since Flodden, we struggle to keep it going.”

For more great snippets, check HERE for the Snippet Sunday group on Facebook. Highland Healer is ON SALE now at all the usual outlets. And Highland Seer is on Kindle!

12 responses to “Sunday Snippet #32

  1. My immediate thought was whiskey, so I scooted down to check.

    I love the idea of a business burgeoning from home brew. 😀

  2. For some reason this makes me think of moonshiners. (I think I need more sleep.) Great snippet, though — includes a bit of family back story and a hint at current troubles.

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