What makes a good villain? Do you prefer one with some redeeming qualities? Or is off-the-wall crazy your favorite type? You’ll have to read Highland Healer to find out what kind of villain Toran and Aileana face. In the meantime, here’s a snippet showing him getting a taste of what’s coming to him. Karma’s a….well, you get the idea. Enjoy this week’s Six Sentence Sunday!
Suddenly, it seemed that men and horses moved in surreal silence. Blades bounced off blades without ringing. Mouths opened in soundless screams.
Colbridge didn’t notice the blood streaming down his arm until he saw his sword drop from nerveless fingers.
Abandoning his men to the fight, he rode as hard as he could back toward his camp, his vision wavering.
Aileana would fix this.
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Want more of Highland Healer? Click here! Highland Healer is on sale on Amazon Kindle until 4 January. Don’t miss it!
Very evocative writing!
Trouble coming! Great si. 🙂