This month, as I did last year, I’m participating in the AtoZ Blogging Challenge. The first post is A, the next is B and so on every day this month, except Sundays. Last year, my theme was Scotland. This year, my theme is The Writing Life. Check back here every day this month to follow along and find out what I’ve learned in the last year. For instance:
S is for Street Team. A street team can be many things, but most simply, it’s a group of readers – fans and friends – who love your books so much that they want to help you get the word out.
On the plus side, they network, tell their friends, leave bookmarks at libraries and bookstores, flood Twitter with hashtags related to your writing, help publicize book launches, etc., etc., etc. You give them challenges and reward them with incentives such as books, t-shirts, or deleted scenes that no one else gets to see.
A street team, like any group of special friends, can take a lot of time to set up and run. If you’re very lucky, one or two members will be so enthusiastic, they’ll wind up running the team for you. Planning ahead and creating incentives and swag are critical to having rewards in place for your team. And you need rules – what is acceptable and what is not for interaction with you, among team members, and with the public.
Some authors disband their street team and then rebuild it in time for each new book release. Others keep the same team for as long as any member wants to belong and be active. How you run yours is up to you. But you must weigh the pros and cons before you set up a street team and decide if one is right for you.
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