The old year is on the way out and the new year is approaching at light speed. Where has the time gone? I don’t know about you, but this is one holiday that always gets me thinking. As the old year fades, what do we take away from 2012?
2012 has been a year of amazing firsts for me.
- I signed my first book contract (Highland Healer) in March.
- My first book cover arrived in April. Isn’t it great?!?!?
- I spent the summer working through revisions and galleys with my fabulous first editor.
- Highland Healer went live first on Amazon in October.
- It hit it’s first Amazon’s bestseller list within 2 weeks.
- It hit #1 in several categories during its November free days, number #11 overall.
- And it rebounded onto the paid Kindle bestseller lists within a day of coming off the free lists and into the top 500 paid Kindle books.
It’s hard to say goodbye to any of those firsts, but they’re part of my professional history now, along with the past year. Thanks to my readers, my debut book is off to a great start!
And then there are those new beginnings. We love our clean slates, don’t we? Fresh starts. The chance to embark, unencumbered by last year’s thinking, on new adventures. Branching paths that lead – where? We can’t wait to find out.
At least that’s how it always seems to me.
In 2013, I’ll be here, giving my keyboard a workout, letting my thoughts wander and my imagination run free – within the constraints of whatever outline I’ve devised for my current work-in-progress.
I’ll also be attending several conferences which always provide inspiration. There have been unanticipated benefits to every conference I’ve attended, so I’m looking forward to the ones coming up in 2013.
And of course, I’m hoping to see another book in print, and another finished and ready to go. Time will tell!
As you contemplate the coming year, what are you hoping for? Anticipating? Expecting? What path will you tread on your way to your goals, your dreams?
Wishing you a great 2013. You are off to a great start!