This month, as I did last year, I’m participating in the AtoZ Blogging Challenge. The first post is A, the next is B and so on every day this month, except Sundays. Last year, my theme was Scotland. This year, my theme is The Writing Life. Check back here every day this month to follow along and find out what I’ve learned in the last year. For instance:
O is for Opportunity. As with any other profession, those who work hard prepare to take advantage of opportunities that come their way. For authors, that means writing, writing, writing. But it takes a lot more than writing to be a successful author these days. For example:
Build a brand by having a website and being active on social media.
Practice your 20-second elevator speech (your bio, book description, whatever you need) until you can recite it in your sleep.
Rehearse your agent and editor pitch until you’re sure they’ll be so impressed, they’ll just have to buy your book.
Attend conferences and network with other authors.
Make sure your book is as close to perfectly edited and formatted as you can make it before it’s published.
Then, when the chance to pitch your book, meet an author you love to read, or collaborate with other authors on a promotion project comes along, you’ll be ready.
Check out the other authors doing the A to Z Challenge this month!
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