I’m participating in the month-long Blogging from A to Z Challenge. Your job is to comment and keep me motivated! Let me know you’re out there and following along. Can she make it? Will she? Of course she will! With you as my cheering section, I won’t be stumped by J or Q or even X.
So without further ado, here is today’s post.
O is for Old Pulteney, a Highland single-malt whisky. Old Pulteney has been distilled in Wick in the far north of Scotland for over 200 years. According to the company’s website, the distillery depended on the sea for its supply of barley and for the shipping out of its malt whisky. This is, of course, because early on, there were no roads.
The 12-year Old Pulteney matures in bourbon casks. It‘s flavor is described as including a hint of the sea.
The older bottles convey deeper, more complex flavors, from adding spirit aged in sherry casks.
According to my better half, Old Pulteney works very well to warm you during a round of golf on a cold, windy day. What more could you want?
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