I’m in the Blogging from A to Z Challenge for the month of April. I need your help! To meet this challenge, I’ll be doing one post a day, working through the alphabet.
Your job is to comment and keep me motivated! Let me know you’re out there and following along. Can she make it? Will she? Of course she will! With you as my cheering section, I won’t be stumped by J or Q or even X.
So without further ado, here is today’s post.
L is for Loch, the Gaelic word for lake. Sea inlets can be called a firth or a sea loch.
Scotland has many lochs and smaller lochs called lochans, as well as firths. Some of the most famous are Lommand, Awe, Rannoch, Tay, and of course, Ness.
We’ll get to Loch Ness tomorrow.
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och aye, very bonny. But I must away, I’ve one last blog to add and I am completely scunnered by it. What can I say for Y? Yelling at young yellow yachts –
Lovely photos. Thanks for stopping by my blog today. I’ll have to take a gander of you N is for Nessie post. 🙂