I’m in the Blogging from A to Z Challenge for the month of April. I need your help! To meet this challenge, I’ll be doing one post a day, working through the alphabet.
Your job is to comment and keep me motivated! Let me know you’re out there and following along. Can she make it? Will she? Of course she will! With you as my cheering section, I won’t be stumped by J or Q or even X.
So without further ado, here is today’s post.
What else could it be on my blog? That storied garment, favored by braw Highlanders of the past in romance novels, and more than a few Hollywood actors of today – on special occasions, of course.
And does he or doesn’t he? Oh, the memes on Facebook – “It’s a kilt. If you wear anything under it, it’s a skirt.” It’s up to the whim of the wearer, or the weather, I suppose.
Before the modern stitched kilt, there was the belted plaid – yards of fabric, laid out on the ground, pleated and folded.
The wearer would lie down on it, wrap it around, secure it with a belt and pull a length up over a shoulder. A lot of work, but handy as a ground cover or blanket if the need arose.
Nowadays, the pleats are stitched down, and there are buttons to make donning the kilt easy. As I overheard one kilt fitter explain to a customer at the Highland games I recently attended, it’s good to fit it to the tightest button now, leaving ‘ease’ in the waistband to make room for his wife to feed him up in the future. Kilts are meant to last!
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I was also recently at some Highland games in Scotland and certainly got more of an eyeful than I was expecting. Gotta love a kilt!
Fellow A-Zer
Great post on kilts. I was suprised to find at the Highland games that the kilts we know of today didn’t come around until the 18 hundreds. Has your husband ever worn a kilt?
Intriguing menswear 🙂