I’m in the Blogging from A to Z Challenge for the month of April. I need your help! To meet this challenge, I’ll be doing one post a day, working through the alphabet.
Your job is to comment and keep me motivated! Let me know you’re out there and following along. Can she make it? Will she? Of course she will! With you as my cheering section, I won’t be stumped by J or Q or even X.
So without further ado, here is today’s post.
E is for England, Scotland’s main enemy throughout its history – when the Scots weren’t fighting among themselves. The conflict between Scotland and England goes back hundreds of years, most violently along the border. I’ll just give you a few of the key points.
Scotland and its monarchy suffered much at the hands of the English, from Robert the Bruce’s attempts to gain the throne of Scotland and independence from England’s Edward 1; to James IV, killed at Flodden Field, the historical time period for my Highland Talents books; to Mary, Queen of Scots, beheaded by her cousin, England’s Queen Elizabeth I.
Attribution: Stephen McKay
Courtesy of Jody Allen
It wasn’t until a Scottish king, James VI, moved his court to London and assumed the English throne as James I in 1603 that the two countries shared one monarch. But they remained separate states. In 1707, the Acts of Union formed the basis for today’s United Kingdom, and continued Scottish attempts to restore the House of Stuart to the throne ended at Culloden in 1746. As a result, Scottish language and culture were forbidden and brutally suppressed.
Religious differences within and between the two countries fueled much of the discord throughout their history. But politics and economics also played important roles, culminating in the Highland Clearances of the 18th and 19th centuries, when evictions forced many to the lowlands, Ireland or the American colonies.
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Hello…I found your post quite delightful and informative. My family (at least my father’s side) came from the Highlands of Scotland. I was born a Campbell and wear the plaid proudly. Thank you so very much for the interesting post. Best regards to you. Ruby
I’d always wondered why there was so much fighting going on between England and Scotland. I hate to see cultures absorbed into conqueror’s cultures and am glad the spirit of the Scot has been strong in their identity.
E is for Energy
England has a long history of conflict with Scotland that I know little about. I am ashamed to mention what i know is what little was dramatized in Braveheart. I am sure it is very loosely based on history.
I was in England about 16 years ago and I had a great time with my husband there. I will have to scan the pictures and blog about my adventure just as you did. Thanks for the idea!