This month, as I did last year, I’m participating in the AtoZ Blogging Challenge. The first post is A, the next is B and so on every day this month, except Sundays. Last year, my theme was Scotland. This year, my theme is The Writing Life. Check back here every day this month to follow along and find out what I’ve learned in the last year. For instance:
R is for Research. If you write in almost any genre, but especially if you write historical, research is a fact of your writing life.
I used to dread it, but I’ve come to enjoy following virtual rabbit trails around the internet as one interesting fact or tidbit leads to another. You never know where your next story idea will come from. Sometimes it comes from something obscure you find while looking for something else.
So enjoy the time you spend on research. You never know where it will lead.
Check out the others participating in this month’s A to Z Challenge!
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