So Long 2013!
How do I sum up a year in which I achieved a lifelong dream and became a bestselling, multi-published author, with even more books under contract?
So where do I go from here, now that I’ve checked several major items off my Bucket List? Quit while I’m ahead? Not likely!
Keep on keepin’ on…
I still have “authorly” goals to achieve And I’ve learned a few things along the way. So I’ve organized new goals into this OUT/IN list, based on what I think didn’t work, or what could have worked better, during the past year. Some of the IN list might also work for you, but I’d love to hear your ideas as well!
Uncertainty Resolve
Procrastination At least two hours a day spent writing books
Endless Social Media Targeted social media and my monthly Newsletter
Blog tours My blog
Book signings ‘Signed book’ prizes for my Readers & Newsletter Subscribers
Do it all myself Hire an assistant
Do it all myself Street Team
Do it all myself Collaborate on marketing with other authors in my genres
Traditionally published Hybrid: traditionally and indie published
2 books a year At least 2 books a year
Write in 1 genre Write in at least 1 other genre
Too much sitting At least 3 hours of exercise a week
What do you plan to change for the better in 2014?
Leave a comment below, and you might win a signed copy of one of my books!
Sounds like a great plan!
I plan on making my book review blog better. I’ll upgrade my wordpress so I’ll make it more user friendly to the reader. I’ll finish my draft novel which I started with NaNoWriMo. I have a goal of reading and reviewing minimum 100 books for 2014.
Congratulations!Those are excellent goals – especially the one about finishing your NaNoWriMo book.That’s the one piece of advice I always hand out when people ask – finish the d— book. You’re well on your way. I hope your New Year turns out as wonderfully productive as you plan for it to be!
I plan to stop stressing over the little or big things. I’ve started this already over the last several months and it has been wonderful!
Willa I wondered if you were going to get together a street team. Sounds like a great idea.
Happy New Year! I hope for much more success for you with your books!!!
I do not make New Year’s resolutions because I do not want to set myself up to fail and then feel bad about it.
What I have in mind for the coming year is to get moving more, especially as my health seems to be improving and it is getting easier for me to get around.
I also want to work more on my genealogy. Some day I would like to try to put it all together into a book if for no other reason than for myself.
Great, Paula, that’s a good one. Go to it! Happy New Year!